Friday, October 1, 2010

By Way Of Introduction...

For me, it all starts back in 1981 in Somerville, Massachusetts. My maternal grandparents had my siblings and I for the weekend while our parents stayed home and did...well, whatever one's parents do when one and one's siblings are safely sent away. Nana and Grampy, desperate for something that would keep us entertained and (more importantly) QUIET, decided to take us to a movie. It was a wonderful flick, full of action and adventure, with a hero that I knew I wanted to be when I grew up and a beautiful damsel that I knew I wanted to save shortly after the whole growin' up thing. It was a funny movie in places, and I remember doing a lot of cheering. Towards the end of the film, our hero and the damsel are captured by the bad guys and seem to have no escape. The villains opened the treasure box...and that's when things went bad.

Real bad. I may not have known the word, but things were about to go really FUCKING bad!!!

A lot of bad guys died in those moments. And they died badly. Screaming. One bad guy started shaking and then blew up, while another - the one that creeped me out the most during the movie - just...melted. I ducked down as low as I could in my seat, but could still see everything from the crack between the seats in front of me. Worse, I could hear everything. And I knew that these scenes, and not the ones of action and romance, would be waiting for me when I tried to sleep that night. Because I had committed a mortal sin: I didn't heed the hero's advice. He warned against it, but I looked anyways.

So, really, I'm as much to blame for my horror fandom as Indiana Jones is.

This blog starts, and will run for the next month, as part of a challenge that I participate in: to watch 31 horror films over the 31 days of October. Last year, I failed miserably. The year before, I succeeded, but just so. This year, I intend not only to succeed, but do so with flying colors. And I intend to take you along for the ride. I've set certain ground rules for this go-round. First, I'll only be watching films that I've never seen before. So no Devil's Nightmare, no John Carpenter's The Thing, no to the more well-known Fulci flicks, probably no George get the idea. I've eventually write about those flicks, but it won't be this month. Which brings us to Rule #2 - it doesn't count until it appears here. So I can watch three hundred flicks this month, but if there's no post, it never happened. Just as, if a blog posts on the internet and no one reads it...

Y'know what? I'm not gonna finish that thought.

Of course, I won't JUST be writing reviews. I'll probably end up revealing far more about myself that anyone cares to know. I'll write about cool stuff I stumble across. And I'll occasionally use the movies to comment on something else going on, though I'll fight tooth and nail to NOT discuss politics. Leave that to the experts, or to those who aren't completely disgusted by what they read, see, and hear. In the end, my goal is simple: To entertain you, and maybe point out some pop culture that you didn't know about before. And maybe make you think. But mostly entertain. And, succeed or fail, win or lose, I promise to make it at least an interesting ride.

Later, I'll talk about other interests. I'm sure World of Warcraft, and my hypocrisy regarding the foolish game, will be a regular part of the discussion. I'll rave about books I love and crap all over those I hate. I can damn-well guarantee some real-life and fantasy sports talk. And there'll be movies...and TV...and music...and we'll commiserate about work...and I'll respond to your comments. All of them...from, uh, both of you. So stick around. Enjoy. I am, after all, both humble host and servant.

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